The Sword of Flowers

An Inquiry into Consciousness

Inspired by old crazy wisdom traditions, this site is an open inquiry into the nature of consciousness; an offer to experience and investigate the creative energy of deep presence through the power of shared attention.

Explore consciousness from Einstein’s point of view and directly experience awareness itself as your own true nature.

The Way of Haiku is a path of deep presence in greater nature. Haiku, an expression of this way of life in poetry, means playful verse.

Mastery with Attention, the Wisdom of Awareness and the Mystery of Open Consciousness enable radical engagement in the world and innovative action in the face of the unknown.

The Way of Harmony with the Spirit, Aikido is a compassionate martial art devoted to the protection of all life. “Aikido is the realization of love.”

Principles, practices and exercises based in Aikido for developing mastery with intuition and the collective navigation of accelerating, complex change.

Aikido has guided my life for fifty years. I began practicing the art to help me manage a high stress role as a crisis counselor for which I had no formal training. Aikido principles and practices became central to that work as well as many subsequent strategic consulting engagements developing harmonious cultures and intuitive leaders in the corporate world that led to industry breakthroughs. 

Christopher Thorsen

Feel free to contact me using form below.

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